Saturday 1st
Of April
At 3am I should have realised it was
April fools day - I knew I got fed 2 hours ago but for 20 minutes I thought they
were pretending not to hear me cry. But apparently it was all part of some
controlled crying experiment. Well, jeez, thanks.
In the morning I was told to do some push-ups. I've been getting lots of practice in during yoga so I'm just doing them one handed for now as you can see in the picture!☺
In the afternoon we met up with Paul, Martina & Emily at Wimpole Hall home farm, where I saw lots of cool animals. But first I had to get into my Michelin Space Suit so I could boldly go where I haven't gone before!
there I saw horses, chickens (wearing space suits like me), lambs and big
pigs that made more noise than me. Scary stuff and I must confess to screaming
To calm me down we went for a pint at a pub nearby. Mummy made me try on Emily's hat whilst Emily was eating all the crisps. After all that excitement I fell asleep on the way home and even forgot to wake up for a scream during dinner time. Then I slept for 6 hours at night! I must have been dreaming about chickens in space suits.
Today I realised that I could babble for England. Mummy and daddy were clearly trying to copy me, but I find it works best with my finger in my mouth. To complete the entertainment for today I did some more tap dancing in my bouncer.
Monday 3rd
As if babbling wasn't enough for one day, today I've moved on to blowing raspberries with my tongue out. Who teaches me these things!? Daddy had a dodgy tummy so mummy took me shopping, but everything she bought was too big for me. Maybe I'll grow into them soon (note to daddy; invent some clothes that will grow with me, it'll be cheaper that way!).
Tuesday 4th
This week's busy schedule included coffee drinking at Starbucks with the other Yoga babies and shopping for nappies (yes, I still need them!). The next day mummy had her hair cut again whilst I entertained the staff by blowing raspberries. I had a good night's sleep (by my standards!) so we made it to Yoga in time. I had a touch of monsteritus during lunch and again in the evening, but managed to confuse mummy by sleeping well again that night.
On the Friday we went to visit mummy's work friends, and I couldn't help but smile and blow a few raspberries at them, including mummy's boss; I hope he was impressed!
Then in the evening we went to Paul & Martina's, so I could play with Emily (and her toys!). She was ever so brazen, walking around semi naked! I am nearly as tall now but I've no idea how she gets about so quickly. (Hopefully I'll figure it out one day!). Suddenly though I felt really hungry and nothing could stop me screaming, though after my feed I nodded off and somehow ended up back in my own cot bed.
I knew I was getting taller again, as the tape measure said 64cm. On the Sunday I tried out my posh Burberry jeans from petit Oma, and they fit me just perfect now! I've put on my "Pink to make the boys Wink" T-shirt as well for extra effect.
Monday 10th
Today I was being a bit of a Pickle-Isla, but I think Mummy made up for it by hitting the squash ball extra hard when she went out to play in the evening.
Wednesday 12th
After missing the cinema last week, we finally made it in on time. But it was such a crude film that mummy covered my ears until I fell asleep. Then after lunch we opened my savings account and now I'm a hundred pounds richer than I was before! Oh, what to spend it on?! ☺
On Thursday I had a great time at
Yoga, even though I got weighed again - a mighty 14lbs9oz (6.62kg), so I'm back
on track. In the evening I had another bath, and daddy seemed busy packing his
suitcase. I hope I'm going with them!
Friday 14th
After a short sleep we arrived in Woodbridge where we sat in a pub garden for a sunny lunch, then on to Ufford Park hotel and a walk around the golf course. I entertained daddy so mummy could have a swim and a sauna. Trouble about the evening was there was just so much to see, I couldn't understand why I was supposed to go to sleep during dinner.
The next day we went to Orford, on the coast, and a walk around Orford Ness. It was very windy, but luckily someone had put a castle there that we could go into.
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hope daddy can see |
this way I can keep |
Oops, I think I just farted |
Once we'd warmed up we went for tea
and cakes (trust the tea shop to run out of scones!).
the evening I accidentally fell asleep before dinner, but I didn't really miss
out because I woke up half way through the main course.
On Sunday we went to Southwald at the seaside where we wandered around looking for fish & chips. All I got was some fish for my bathroom wall.
Monday 17th
When you wake up at 3am, and you want to play, what is a girl to do? You scream for a playmate, of course! On Tuesday Naomi brought some audio books round, because apparently mummy doesn't get much time to read these days. Then I had the misfortune of getting jabbed again by the nurse! I'm starting to not like her, you know.
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Saturday 22nd Mummy and Daddy took me to Culford school, and after a sunny walk in the grounds of the school it was time to get into this really big bath. I wasn't too sure about this swimming thing, so I made just enough noises to be kept upright and close to mummy and daddy. But mummy's got me signed up for 12 lessons at a local school so at least I now know what I've let myself in for! |
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We went for lunch at Chris & Siedah's where I was a complete angel and very happy to be entertained by Lucy, who was dressing up as a mouse and then a belly dancer. Didn't do so well at night though... (or indeed on Monday, come to think of it, but I was happy in my Bumbo seat for at least a few minutes).
Tuesday 25th
Tom & Henna arrived in the afternoon and brought me a lovely summer outfit, even though I was still a bit grumpy. But by the next morning I was all charm again to make up for it.
Had myself weighed in the afternoon, but I'm still 14lb9oz (6.62kg), same as before even though daddy says I'm getting very heavy.
How do you like my new earrings!? |
Thursday 27th Managed to get through my first official swimming lesson without major incident. Phew! I was a bit nervous, but Mummy was more worried about an impending nappy explosion! On the Saturday daddy tried out his new lawnmower, and then spent ages buried in the bushes trying to paint the fence. I didn't do much but on Sunday we went to Audley End house for a garden show where daddy bought a big metal spider (don't ask me why!) and we met up with Karen, Andy, Susie & Caitlin. Then we had some tea at their house and I got a bag full of clothes! On Monday we had a look in Babies 'R Us for a travel buggy. I fell asleep after that and can't remember the rest... |
Even stars like me have bad hair days! |