The Diary of Isla Louise Herczog

Thursday 1st, 1:30am, 3:00AM, 4:45AM, 7:30AM

I'm trying really hard to continue the tradition of giving my parents sleepless nights. I hope they can get used to it! Today I'm ready for my first visitors, Paul, Martina and Emily. I wonder if I'll get some more champagne?!

What I didn't expect was Emily stealing my rabbit comforter that I got from Rachel! But as soon as I woke up and noticed it was gone, I screamed for it back, which worked. And yes, the champagne was nice, thank you.

Friday 2nd

Wow! I made it into town today! (only 2 hours later than planned, apparently). Got stopped by everyone in the shops, cooing over me, saying I am really cute. Mummy and Daddy agree, but I haven't had a chance to look in the mirror yet, so I'll take their word for it.

More people arrived to "wet the baby's head". I hope that doesn't mean what it says...

.... ah-ha, more champagne. You learn something new every day. I got so excited, my bellybutton fell off! I just hope that was meant to happen.


Saturday 3rd

Today has been a busy day. Mum managed to get dressed in time for the midwife (a first!). Karen, Andy, Susie and Caitlin came in the afternoon. I was lost for words when Caitlin asked why I couldn't talk yet, and no, I don't have any teeth yet either! And, yes, I do prefer mummy's milk to what's in the fridge.

I timed my next screaming fit to occur just 10 minutes after mummy went to Tesco's. But then Grandma and Gramps arrived and all was well again. I was certainly spoilt for cuddles and you know what!

Sunday 4th

Had a good sleep, so I was ready for a walk around Teversham. Spotted the local pub, then noticed Daddy and Gramps sneaking off for a pint! I hope their belly buttons don't fall off!

Monday 5th

Little did I know today would be my first bath at home. Caught me completely by surprise, so I had a good scream. I hope I don't have to go through that again!

Naomi came round to do my ironing, and mummy and daddy built a nice Christmas tree from bits in a box.

Wednesday 7th

Hey, it's official. I've got my birth certificate. But do I get a certificate for my first projectile poo? Seems not.

Thursday 8th

Exciting day today, as Oma is visiting later. I got lots of nice presents from Oma (including my orange coloured sleep suit which I'm modelling on the right), from Leen and from Oma's friends.

Next day we went into town. If mummy's getting an eternity ring, daddy had better get himself a proper watch. Oma and mummy helped choose, it was taking forever!

Oma's organised a traditional Dutch 'beschuit met muisjes' maternity visit breakfast. Pink little mice for a girl, obviously!

Time flew by and I promptly fell asleep again. I'm making it far too easy for mum and dad....

On Sunday Oma had to fly back already. Please come back soon, I want more cuddles!

Wednesday 14th

Daddy's been disappearing at 8am for a few days now, so mummy has to look after me. Today we made it out of the house! I enjoyed Babys'r'us, Asda (nice new dress) but was really bored by the time we got to the post office. Glad we didn't stay to post those letters!

Friday 16th

Got weighed today. Somehow I've gained a 1/4 of my body weight! I hope that double chin isn't too obvious.

Sunday 18th

What a panic to get ready for Emily's Christening! But I still managed to sleep through it all. Daddy's become a Godfather! I hope he knows what to do.

Wherever I go is another opportunity for cuddles, so it was nice to see some new faces, including Paul & Martina's parents. Emily's got all these fantastic toys, I must remember to go visit her more often.


Friday 23rd

We're going to Harrogate today. I hope mummy's remembered to bring everything! Daddy took ages to fit it all in the car, but at least he managed it. So no need to buy an estate car (yet). Phew! Time to get spoilt by Grandma, Gramps and great Gran!

Christmas Day

What a great day! I hope we do this every year. Up to my neck in new presents! Now there's too many clothes and toys to choose from. Daddy's gonna need a bigger car soon....

There were 15 for a big Christmas dinner, but I decided to stick to what I know as Sam wasn't allowed any turkey either. Got loads of cuddles though!

Boxing Day

Today we visited Terry & Margaret, and got outsized by my new teddy bear! It must be bigger than life, surely?

Friday 30th

I was busy screaming until 2am. Can't remember why though, but I'm sure it was important. So I'm having a lazy day of it today. Hence plenty of time to prepare for my bath tonight.

See, I can do happy baths too! Does my belly look big in this? Well, I'm still not too sure about all this!

In case you're wondering, I happened to be lying on a measuring tape and wow, I'm already 54cm long. That milk is strong stuff!

New Years Eve

Well, it feels like this year has just flown by. The first 9 months are just a blur now, and the last 5 weeks have been a hectic cycle of sleeping, eating and filling my nappy. And I might have screamed a bit too.

But I've got big plans for next year!