The Diary of Isla Louise Herczog

Thursday 1st of June

Today started like any other day. A spectacular poo explosion with solid poo's rolling over the mat and me trying to grab them, followed by the soggy stuff that went everywhere. Ok, I lied. Luckily for mummy this doesn't happen every day!

After that slight diversion, we made it to Yoga on time. I'm very busy sitting upright these days and I usually get my way with these things. Then I made everyone laugh at lunch when I fell asleep in my pushchair doing a Saturday Night Fever impression with my arm. In the evening we met up with Paul, Martina & Emily but I don't do staying up late (yet!) so got a bit grumpy in the end.

Friday 2nd

After a nice walk along the Cambridge backs we had a nice lunch by the river, and I had managed to sleep off my grumpy mood. In the afternoon we finally made it to Daddy's work, where everyone was in the garden having a party for some reason. Daddy showed me off to everyone and I got some cuddles too!

Back at home it was dinner time again which is usually an opportunity for a bit of fun by blowing raspberries with my mouth full. I have already tried various colours, and I like the white stuff the best, or anything else mixed with the white stuff*.

A La Carte menu: *Mummy has helpfully provided the ingredients: My Rating:
White Stuff Baby Rice Bring it on!
Orange Stuff Carrot Yuk!
Light Orange Stuff Sweet Potato Yummy
Off White Stuff Parsnip No thanks!
Light Green Stuff Apple Hmm...
Light Yellow Stuff Mashed Banana No way!

Saturday 3rd

Today I had my first trip to the seaside! We went with Paul, Martina & Emily and I had great fun watching her play in the sand and I got some of her balls to play with. But I couldn't get close enough to the sand to have a go at eating it. And I could see the sea but I wasn't allowed anywhere near that either!

Charlie and Heather turned up later (as usual) but I was too tired to stay and watch Charlie fly his kite. We got home very late but I was fast asleep anyway.


Sunday 4th

Hey dude, gimme 5!

Woooaaaa, my hat's trying
to escape!!
Oh no, which smartass
turned the lights off ?!

Today was a day for supervising daddy in the garden. It looked like hard work whilst I was playing on the mat. At the end of the day I finally got my bath that I was screaming about. I hadn't played in there for days.

Monday 4th

After the Monday chores we went to see Naomi, but I was a bit grumpy when I woke up from my nap. Well, maybe a bit more than a bit grumpy as mummy had to bring me home for screaming. But I was fine after that.

Another trip to the cinema on Wednesday (I was so fidgety that I forgot to watch the film). Then I got weighed and apparently I've lost weight! Don't know how 'cos I eat loads of colourful stuff. And another shocker: I slept through from 10.45 to 7am!  I had more Yoga and swimming practice on Thursday, and I'm getting better at not swallowing water whilst being dunked under. Mummy is getting better at holding me above water too....

On Friday I tried something new; Baby massage. I was a bit fidgety as I was lying there naked and my bladder control wasn't all it could have been, but mostly I was ok with it.

Saturday 10th

Mummy and daddy put up a gazebo in the garden so I can have some shade for my paddling pool. Then we went shopping whilst daddy watched the football and later we met up with Martina & Emily for a drink. On the Sunday I kept my new shoes on just long enough for a photo and then we went to a mums, dads and babies BBQ at Katja's.

There I had a great time playing with Lucas' toys. It was such a hot day that I was desperate for a drink, so I tried to have some of what daddy was drinking but I couldn't find a nipple anywhere on the can. Later everyone went into the paddling pool, but the cold water came as quite a shock. But daddy convinced me to have another go and so I decided to just get my feet wet.

Monday 12th

For a change we went with Naomi to the fabric warehouse to get me a new high chair seat cover, and she even came back for a coffee, but somehow we still ended up back at Tesco's in the afternoon. We didn't go out on Tuesday, and I didn't really like this new pureed yellow stuff (swede, apparently), so I had good reason to be grumpy during my bath.

On Thursday I was promoted to the bigger baby Yoga class where Lucas and Ben were, and lots of new babies. I had a really good time kicking and splashing in the pool, but when I had my bath I'd had enough of water for the day.

Saturday 17th

Another very sunny day, and after daddy cut the grass mummy went shopping. I decided to have a really long nap so daddy could sunbathe, which annoyed mummy 'cos I don't normally sleep that long for her! I finally got to play in my puddle of balls in the garden, and thankfully I soon got the better of the orange crab lurking in there - I tried to eat him but he was too chewy.

Sunday 18th

It was fathers day today, so I gave daddy his card and present, and mummy made the coffee for a change. We went out for lunch in Grantchester with Paul & Emily, but daddy had a bit too much to drink so we both had a nap in the afternoon.

Monday 19th

I managed to sleep from 11.30 till 7am again! Not sure I'm ready to do this every night, and I was quite grumpy at the Orchard with the other mums and babies. But a quick nap sorted that out. Then we had a nice walk by the river, but my screaming mood returned in the evening so I got put to bed without my bath.

On Tuesday I refused to eat the green stuff for lunch, and I saw right though mummy's attempt to mix those peas with sweet potato. So imagine my surprise when there was more green stuff for dinner! Well, I blew it right back out at mummy's face! But I did like the fruit dessert, which I generously shared with the kitchen floor. With my belly full I ended up sleeping from 7 till 7, with just a quick feed at 1.30am.

Wednesday 21st

Bah bah bah, bah bah bah. That's my new word for everything. I was practising it very loudly at the cinema. Mummy had to take me to the back, she was so embarrassed. Don't ask me what film it was. Bah bah bah. I eventually had a nap, and then there was more green stuff on the menu. Even though this was not the same green stuff as before (courgettes?), I've decided that I don't do green stuff. Got myself weighed again, this time the coloured stuff is working and I'm now bah bah bah... ok, if you must know, 16lb 4oz (7.36kg). Bah bah bah.

Thursday 22nd

Mummy says I'm being a pickle for not sleeping and not eating much. But I'm just too excited by Yoga and swimming, there's no time to sleep or I might miss something! And when I think I might be teething I don't want anything I don't recognise. I did better at baby massage the next day, though I still don't like lying on my stomach even if I can get my back rubbed for free. Even though I didn't sleep and eat again, I do enjoy baby crotchets 'cos I can make as much noise as I like.

Saturday 24th

I decided to have a lazy day in the garden, which is just as well as mummy and daddy looked knackered! After a week of sleeping well I went and spoilt it last night. Daddy tried to make me eat more of my lunch by giving me the spoon to play with. Well, the pot had less in it afterwards but that doesn't mean I ate any more!

On Sunday mummy went to Tesco's whilst daddy was busy looking after me, and I was busy sleeping. Then daddy went off to watch the football, and I ate all my food today but unfortunately for mummy it all came out again later in a remake of the Exorcist. Twice!

Which means the food chart now stands at:

A La Carte menu: Mummy's special recipe: My Rating:
Greeny Orangey Stuff Courgette + Sweet Potato Gimme more!
Sort of Orange Stuff Butternut Squash Help!
Gooey White Stuff Porridge Yes. No.
Pale Orangey Stuff Papaya + baby rice I like baby rice
Fleshy Stuff Daddy's finger Yummmmm!

Monday 26th

After my visit to the nurse for some more creams, I had a bit of lunch and a nap to get ready for my first induction to Nursery! I was mostly good but luckily the hour was up just as I was getting a bit tired and grumpy.

The next morning we met up with other Yoga mums at Grantchester, then a nap to catch up on some sleep that I should have had last night. Afterwards it was back to the Nursery. Mummy left me to play and I was fine for half an hour till I realised she'd gone! Without a baby monitor in the room I had to scream extra loud until eventually the girls gave in and fetched mummy. As we left I was all smiles as I was thinking "I'll be back..."

On grumpy Wednesday I was predictably a bit grumpy, and not very happy even before we got to Nursery. Definitely no smiles for 40 minutes, but when I saw mummy again I calmed down a bit. I hope the nursery will have me back.

Thursday 29th

My plan for today was to boycot breakfast, be grumpy at Yoga, then wolf down my lunch but refuse to sleep. And it worked out exactly as planned. I forgot to plan ahead so I really enjoyed swimming today, and got dunked 3 times, even swimming to mummy under water! Cooooool!

Friday 30th

No baby massage today, and no singing either as we had more important things to do. A big food shop at Tesco's for a barbeque on Sunday, and then back to nursery for more screaming. I was a bit happier when I saw mummy again, but this nursery stuff is going to take some getting used to....